
Mag. Esther Handschhin
(Graz, Austria)


Ass. Prof. Dr. Martin Hoondert
(Tilburg, Netherlands)

Benelux countries and the Romance language area, Vice President

Prof. Dr. Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson

Nordic countries

Dr. Christiane Schäfer
(Speyer, Germany)

Germany and German-speaking Switzerland

Dr. Daniela Wissemann-Garbe
(Marburg, Germany)

Germany and German-speaking Switzerland

Ágnes Watzatka
(Budapest, Hungary)

Austria, Hungary, and southeastern Europe

Dr. Adriana Grešová-Sekelská
(Bratislava, Slovakia)

Eastern Europe

Philip J Price
(London, United Kingdom)

English-speaking countries of the northern hemisphere

Prof. Dr. Dr. Elsabé Kloppers
(Pretoria, South Africa)

Asia, Africa, and the southern hemisphere

Elie Jolliet, M.A.
(Bern, Switzerland)
