Resources for hymns, hymnals, and liturgical song

  • Das deutsche Kirchenlied (DKL): Bibliographical overview
  • Samuel Hug, [“Holy, holy, holy!” A comparison of hymn texts on Revelation 4”], course paper at the University of Bern, 2006.
  • Paul Kohler, [Hymns of Paul Gerhardt in the Gerhardt choirbook of 2006]
  • Jens Lyster, [Introduction to the prayer book of Johann Habermann (1516–1590)] — see here for a link to the prayer book.
  • Andreas Marti, [Checklist for describing hymn texts and tunes]
  • Britta Martini, [Linguistic access to hymn texts: a few key words]
  • Joachim Scherf, [Postscript on a lost book: Johann Friedrich Ruopp’s Jesuslieder]


  • Bibliography of Markus Jenny (1924–2001), President of the IAH from 1967 to 1985; since 1997 Fellow of the IAH.