New IAH members are always welcome.
Annual dues vary according to the life situation of members. Please see the membership form for current amounts. Joint memberships with the Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland (HSGBI) and/or the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada (HSUSC) are also offered. Members of those societies may also join the IAH at a reduced rate; contact your national society for more information.
IAH members receive an informational newsletter (IAH-Mitteilungen) twice each year. It does not contain scholarly articles or bibliographies. Once a year they also receive the IAH Bulletin, which contains the presentations made at the annual study conference. Members also receive a discount when registering for the annual study conference and when purchasing the Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie.
Please send the completed and signed membership form to the IAH office.
The Articles of Association (August 2019) and Rules of Procedure (August 2019) can be read here.