The societal relevance of hymnody
Kirchenlieder in den Krisen der Gegenwart
Salmens samfunnsrelevans
In addition to the Joint Conference in Washington DC, a smaller, extraordinary conference will be held in continental Europe this year. This is to offer an alternative to members who cannot fly to the USA for various reasons and to enable us to hold our General Assembly with a representative number of members. This short conference on the topic of „The societal relevance of hymnody“ („Kirchenlieder in den Krisen der Gegenwart“ or „Salmens samfunnsrelevans“) will take place on Thursday 8 September (from approx. 14:30) and Friday 9 September 2022 (until approx. 16:30) in the premises of the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Mainz (Germany). The Board would be pleased to welcome many members and interested people there.
Programme overview (as of 20.05.2022)
Day 1 / Thursday, 8 September 2022
- from 14:30 | Arrival of participants, coffee
- 15:00 | Welcome address, followed by keynote lecture Prof. Dr. Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson: A Part of the Whole Universe: Augustine, Paul Tillich, and the Societal Relevance of Performative Hymnody in a (Post)Pandemic Age
- 16:30 | Guided tour of the Gesangbucharchiv (possibly in two groups)
- 18:30 | Collation
- 20:00 | Singstunde – singing devotions (Moravian style), led by Mechthild Bitsch-Molitor
Day 2 / Friday 9 September 2022
- 09:00 | Morning prayer
- 09:15 | Lecture: Report on the Joint conference in Washington D.C., afterwards discussion
- 10:00 | Coffee break
- 10:30 | Sectionals (Call for papers see below)
- 12:30 | Lunch
- 14:00 | General Assembly (hybrid, see below)
- from 16:00 | Coffee
- 16:30 | Start for the guided tour of St Stephen’s Church, Chagall windows (begins at 17:00, optional)
Sectionals – Call for papers
- Prof. Dr. Yu-Ring Chiang: Das methodistische Universitätskirchengesangbuch »Soochow Hymnal« zur Zeit des Ausnahmezustands in Taiwan: Eine grundlegende Untersuchung
- Mag. Esther Handschin: Aus der Not geboren: Liedbetrachtungen online — ein Werkstattbericht
- Prof. Dr. Martin J.M. Hoondert: Bernard Huijbers and the strophic song as (im-)possible ritual form
- Prof. Dr. Dianne M. McMullen: Freylinghausen 1771 and Gregor 1784: Reflections on Sounds in Halle and Herrnhut in the Late Eighteenth Century
- Kristel Neitsov-Mauer: Sehnsucht nach dem Kirchenlied: Ein neues evangelisch-lutherisches Gesangbuch für Estland
- Ekkehard Popp: Musikalische Freitagsandachten und Gottesdienste in Krisenzeiten am Beispiel der Neuenhäuser Kirchengemeinde in Celle
- Jan Temme: \Jørgen Ernst Simonsen’s chorale book as practical source in 1870’s Denmark
- M.A. Jin Kyung Yoo: Die Krise der koreanischen Kirche und Kirchenmusik
General Assembly (hybrid)
During this short conference, the next regular general meeting will also take place on Friday, 9 September 2022, at 14:00. For the first time, this will be held in hybrid form to enable all members who are not attending the conference to participate in the general meeting virtually. The agenda is published in „IAH-Mitteilungen“ 75 (August 2022). If you would like to participate online, please register by email with the IAH Office by Monday, 5 September 2022.
Travel informations
You get tips for your arrival to Mainz by airplane, bus and train or car on the website of Mainz Tourismus.
The booking of accommodation is the responsibility of the participants. On the registration form (see below) you will find a list of hotels that we recommend based on their offer and geographical location.
Update: Please note that there are now no rooms available at Hotel Hammer on the terms communicated; rooms may still be available at a higher price.
Registration (extended Deadline: 24 August 2022)
Please complete, sign and return the registration form to the IAH Office by 24 July 2022 (preferably by e-mail, alternatively by post).
The conference fee (incl. catering) is 42 Euros (discounts and conference fee for non-members see registration form). Your registration for the conference can only be confirmed once this payment has been made.
Account details
Int. Arge f. Hymnologie
IBAN: DE66 1505 1732 0030 0077 44
Bank: Sparkasse Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Please note that your payment must be made in Euros. We also ask for a clearly identifiable reason for transfer: Mainz 2022 ‚Your name‘ (first name/surname).