Weekend excursions

Saturday, 3 August 2024 – Excursion 1
In the footsteps of the Bohemian Brothers in Kralice nad Oslavou and Náměšť nad Oslavou

  • Departure at 8:00 from the bus stop at the Orthodox church Pravoslavný kostel sv. Cyrila a Metoděje
  • Kralice nad Oslavou: visit to the Memorial of Kralice Bible – museum, church, fortress
  • Náměšť nad Oslavou: lunch in the restaurant “U Cafourků”, followed by a visit to the castle
  • Return journey – expected arrival in Prague at 18:00

Tour guide: Mgr. Lukáš M. Vytlačil

Sunday, 4 August 2024 – Excursion 2
In the footsteps of the Hussites in Tábor and Jan Hus in Kozí hrádek

  • Departure at 8:00 from the bus stop at the Orthodox church Pravoslavný kostel sv. Cyrila a Metoděje
  • Kozí Hrádek: visit to the ruins of the Gothic castle (near Sezimovo Ústí) where Jan Hus stayed
  • Tábor: Visit to the “Hussites” exhibition in the Hussite Museum
  • Lunch in the restaurant „U zeleného stromu“
  • Visit to the exhibition “Tábor – City of the Righteous” in the Hussite Museum
  • Return journey – expected arrival in Prague at 17:15

Tour guide: Mgr. Lukáš M. Vytlačil